Saturday, September 8, 2007


I couldn't believe it! Got a call from my LYS proprietress asking me if I would sell one of the many items I have displayed (for demo purposes only) on the wall of her store. much is this person willing to pay and how much would be fair to ask for my work? Ms. LYS won't help with that question. She only asks me what my low price and high price would be. Leave it to Ms. LYS....take the middle ground. Middle ground?? Pretty damned good to me. SOLD!!

Customer may want to commission me to do other projects? Not to sure if I am going there. I don't do my art/craft for a living. I do my art/craft out of love of the project, fiber, challenge, colors, etc.... Can you put a price on that? I don't think so. If I had put a commissioned price on the piece that I sold it would have been way more than Ms. Customer would want to pay. It was all was knee had was a lot of work!

So, just how much is our "work" worth? Some charge by the yard of measured yarn, taking into account the more challenging the pattern, the more you charge. This little blurb from SOMEWHERE/SOMEONE that I ran across in the many years of my internet travels pretty well puts it down on paper. (Note: I don't know who wrote this so I can't give credit to anyone. If it belongs to you, let me know and I will put your name on it.)


The cost of the yarn and any notions required (buttons and such) plus

$0.10 per knitted yard of yarn for plain stocking stitch
$0.20 per knitted yard for texture and color work
$0.25 per knitted yard for lace, complicated textures and/or color work
$10 extra if the yarn is a pain to work with
$20 extra if they want it fast
$20 extra for complicated shaping or finishing
$50 extra for creating the design

A plain stocking stitch, circular, sweater made from an economy yarn and about 40 inches around will tally up to about $200.00.

Before I agree to knit for someone and use a pattern that they request, I will make sure that we are not violating copyright and/or fair use laws.

Did I get what my work was worth? Nope...not according to this. Oh well, it was just hanging around! I didn't plan on wearing it (it was a pre-knit to the sweater that I really wanted). And I get to buy more yarn! Woooo Hoooo!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
