Saturday, August 25, 2007

She's Doing It Again!

DK is at it again! She has started a new Secret-Of-The-Stole mystery group at YahooGroups. As you may have noticed I have a button on the side that is suppose to take you there! At least I hope it does. Since I am internet challenged DK has taken on the chore of trying to teach an old dog new tricks.

Of course, this allows her to be my knitting enabler. I must (notice I said MUST) knit the Secret Stole with her. She is threatening me with knitting needles. I have no choice. She took me to the store and made (notice I said MADE) me buy supplies. And I spent more than SHE did. Did you hear that Mr. DK!

Gotta run hide the evidence from Hubs! And DK has made me promise not to tell what supplies I would need. Those needles she is holding are sharp! And I think that she is faster than I am! Time to run....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007's a historical day! I have been invited to RAVELRY!!!! Nauticalknitter (aka DK), my partner in crime and enabler, says that she will help me put together this blog and now we are on Ravelry together too! She got her invite 2 days ago!! WOOOO HOOOO! Long live knitting enablers! All hail knitting bloggers! Alright....deep breaths! Calm down. Gotta go to work and TRY to stay focused on work things.

I CAN'T HELP IT!!! I AM KNITTING ADDICTED! I just wanna play with fiber all day....don't wanna work. Work is just a means to an end....the purchase of more yarn and knitting toys.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

In the beginning.......

In the beginning there was Dot & CJ. Dot & CJ beget Tinkerdink. The last in a series of three. Being the only female Dot took Tink in hand and taught her well from the vast knowledge handed down from one generation to another. And there begins our journey.....

At the nubile age of eight, Dot took hook in hand and began the slow process of teaching Tinkerdink the rich and rewarding life of a crocheter. Thus began a love of the fiber arts that has not diminished over the last 40 plus years.

In Tink's 10th year, Dot handed over the further progression of knowledge to Ms Mary. So, in the back of the Yarn Barn the sticks were applied to wool and a knitter was born. All hail Ms Mary!! Queen of the Yarn Barn where needles and friendship were applied in generous amounts. Ms Mary, no longer present upon this earth, was highly revered and greatly missed!

In the ensuing years, Dot taught Tink a multitude of talents. None were more loved than the fiber arts. The knitting and crocheting expanded into sewing, quilting, cross stitch, embroidery, crewel, rug hooking....just to name a few. Dot has always been there to guide and love.

Thus this blog begins.....

Perhaps Tinkerdink will assist others in their desire to learn the fiber arts and in the doing learn from others. And...just maybe Tink will learn how to speak in the first person somewhere along the way! : )
