Friday, September 14, 2007


In order to bring my knitting paraphernalia into the 21st century I decided to order myself a set of Options from Knit Picks. I got them in today! Along with more lace wt yarn (that I don't have a project for...yet!). Plus more sock yarn. Like I don't have enough of either of these items, yes??

I have two (yes, two!) sets of NeedleMasters. I have every size single point needle you could ask for in 10", 14" and a few shorter and even a couple longer. I have double the number of double points that anyone would need and all the circular sizes you could want. Many are old but work just fine.

So, why would I spend the money for pretty purple cables when I have so many other needles? Well, let's think about what's different between the NeedleMaster and the Options? The Options points are not quite as pointy as the NeedleMaster's in my opinion, but they are pretty darned close. I have found that the newer NeedleMaster has a very abrupt hump just before the metal end where you screw on your needle tip. That is not such a pain if you are using size 15 needles, but when you start using 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4's you start having to push your stitches over these humps. That makes for very slow and tiring knitting. The Options have a sleek, smooth join. The NeedleMaster's cables are hard and pretty unforgiving. The Options have very relaxed cables and are such a pretty purple!

What it boils down to is that the Options have updated and modernized the needle. The needles are nice and pointy. The cables are flexible and forgiving. The join is sleek and smooth. What is not to like? And as I get older my hands won't allow me to do those 4 hr, 12 hr, 1 or 2 day marathon knitting sessions that I used enjoy. They begin to ache. My pain free comfort is pretty darned important. If my needles are easier to use then my hands and wrist aren't going to hurt. That's my reasoning (or at least my excuse, LOL!) for buying a whole new kit.

Now...if I can only convince my DH that I need a wooden set too! Hmmmm!


Anonymous said...

Yipee!!!! You will love them!!

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